MedLink is a digital health platform, leader in Switzerland in the coordination of personal services, which integrates all relevant health partners.

As a web-based platform, MedLink structures care and exchange processes for organizations that put the patient at the center of their paradigm.
The exchange of information for the day-to-day management and monitoring of patients, both internal and external, on a point-to-point basis, is at the heart of our solution. This pragmatic and secure approach to daily use facilitates the work of all partners.
Thus, the different actors involved in the daily follow-up of a patient can find real synergies and increase their service area.
This approach complements the DEP’s document exchanges and allows all specialized actors who take care of patients with a network of partners to work together on a daily basis for a coordinated approach to care.
A 100% web-based health platform to manage your daily activity and exchange with your partners.
It makes useful information accessible to each professional, regardless of the software used.
Who benefits?
- Home care organizations
- Sheltered housing organizations
- Self-help organizations serving people
- Human services organizations and associations
- Medical centers
- Pharmacy groups
The MedLink platform includes:
- A care pathway management engine
- A configurable and secure clinical record
- A unified web screen generator (PC, tablet, smartphone)
- An API module to exchange data between health information systems
- A communication module to dematerialize exchanges between professionals

Care pathway management engine
- Standardize processes
- Coordinate interactions in a multidisciplinary model
- Identify the actors and their activities
- Structure and automate information flows
- React on the basis of events (steps, delays, etc.)

Configurable and secure clinical record
- Document and share clinical information between professionals according to international standards (InterRAI, Gordon, …)
- Guarantee data security
- Secure access according to the rights linked to user profiles
- Have a library of clinical follow-ups, allowing to monitor the patient
- Activate follow-ups according to the pathologies and needs of the patients
- Evolution of the library according to needs

Screens generator
- BYOD (Bring your own device!)
- Works on any device
- Works 100% via a browser (no app, no deployment, accessible everywhere)
- Unified interface (PC, Mac, tablet, smartphone)
- Low bandwidth consumption
- Offline mode

API module for data exchange between health information systems
- Make useful information accessible to each professional, regardless of the software used.
- Allow data managed in external software to be displayed and processed in MedLink
- Enable the display and processing in external software of data managed in MedLink
- Medication orders created and updated in the pharmacy information system but exposed in MedLink
- Display in MedLink of documents scanned into the electronic patient record (Abilis)
- Automatically copy MedLink care records to the electronic patient record (Abilis)
- Make notes and observations entered in MedLink available to the practice software

Communication module
- Dematerialization of exchanges between professionals (written notes, voice, video, photo, scans, …)
- Document management module to digitize, type and restore information efficiently
- IoT integration (blood glucose sensor, thermometer, scale, …).
- Information push to healthcare professionals, automated by the care pathway.