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Enterprise and education


Once considered a personal concern, health and wellness are now an integral part of corporate and educational life.

Yoga classes in the office, participation in the payment of fitness memberships are now widely used to improve the “work life balance” of employees and their well-being at work.

MLS allows companies to go further in their support of employees by offering them a personalized – and confidential, of course – compliance program.

The way it works is very simple: Based on a voluntary approach, the person determines the goal he or she wishes to achieve and a personalized support program will guide him or her in his or her observations, actions to be taken and progress made.

Whether it is to lose weight, stop smoking, improve one’s lifestyle or follow a particular diet (in the case of a pathology such as diabetes for example), it is the beneficiary who sets his or her own objectives and interacts confidentially within the framework of the program.

More effective than a fitness membership, this adherence program focuses on the needs of each individual and provides regular follow-up and coaching, increasing motivation and perseverance to achieve goals and make long-term lifestyle changes.

It takes only a few minutes per week and gives a holistic view of the situation at any given time, thanks to the possibility of combining several types of activities in pursuit of a goal. (For example for physical activity according to WHO recommendations)

These programs are a great help for the employees as well as for the company, which anticipates, prevents and supports its employees in their risk management.

This approach can be integrated into CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs as well as in the pursuit of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals: Goal No. 3, (Health and well-being), notes the importance of “promoting the well-being of all people at all ages to build prosperous societies” and “making informed choices.”

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