Political decisions made after votes are taken often lead to new regulations, and Switzerland votes a lot. The health sector is not spared, even less so during a pandemic.
A new regulation is announced by the political authorities and their entry into force concerns you directly.
Your software partner has some time to adapt its information system and make the new regulations available to you in its tool.
We have experienced this with the interRAI, and many other subtleties in the field of quality and financing.
On your side, you must inform all the concerned staff, train the users to the new functionalities. This is a process that is repeated with each new regulation or with each modification of an existing regulation.
You also must decide which employees are affected and make sure they can easily find the information in their daily tasks.
We all know that change management is not the easiest exercise, especially if it does not bring clear value to the user and is rather a constraint.
If, on top of that, when this new constraint is made available, you have to deal with the stress of deploying the features to your various devices, making sure you have a full backup of your data before the update, providing staff to monitor the deployment and all sorts of other IT-type tasks, it can quickly become an ordeal.
Not to mention the fact that there could be a defect in what was delivered, and the entire deployment operation would have to be redone.
Like all information system providers, MLS is aware of new regulations to be implemented in its MedLink software.
Because the software is role-based, identifying the right people and clearly showing them where to access and use the information is made easier. Everyone in their role will be aware of the processes that affect them and will only have access to the relevant functionality.
When MLS provides you with the functionality of a new regulation in its MedLink software, all you must do is train and use it.
Since MedLink is a 100% web-based application, there is no installation, deployment, or any other IT-like action to be taken by your organization.
Training on new features is delivered digitally and is fully targeted to the roles of each person involved.
If there is a correction in what has been delivered, you don’t have to do anything special, MLS will update MedLink, and you will continue to use it without any further action.
Furthermore, the functionalities are delivered in three languages (German, French and Italian) and you can simply change the language within MedLink without losing any information.
This means that you can provide your users with functionalities related to new regulations in different cantons and in different languages without any installation.
Spitex can focus on the upcoming regulations and organize its processes according to the changes they will bring, without having to worry about a logistical mobilization worthy of a move, just to update an information system.
Change management is facilitated by a short and targeted learning process for each of the users concerned. Here again, no logistics, no travel, no panic.
The implementation of the new regulation or a modification is done quickly and Spitex is protected from external controls that could cost it time or money.
Control and reporting are also greatly facilitated since everything happens in real time.
The user appreciates that the organization handles the change in an efficient and stress-free way.
In general, Spitex manages its compliance more serenely and takes the time to implement the right processes, as well as to understand the impacts of any new regulatory developments.
This is useful for Spitex in its relations with the authorities and all the bodies in charge of implementing the standards.
Do not hesitate to contact us!