The fall of 2021 is approaching and all of society is once again under stress. The elderly are still considered a group that needs to be especially protected.

In a particularly anxiety-provoking climate, care staff making home visits may worry the elderly, who are especially concerned about contagion.
Who is coming? Is she vaccinated? Is she being tested? Are they showing symptoms? These are all questions that worry people who feel they cannot afford to be infected.
Answers such as “someone will be by in the morning,” “we have a testing policy in place,” or “most of our staff are vaccinated” are not enough to reassure patients.
Care involves close physical proximity, and the patient is tense throughout the care process. Sometimes they even give up care for fear of being infected.
This situation makes it very difficult for the care staff to manage and plan. In addition, a lot of time is spent reassuring clients and monitoring the sanitary conditions in which care is provided and the health status of the care staff.
Caregivers are already under stress and must manage this new paradigm.

Listening to its clients, MLS has made available two modules to help manage this situation for the management of HCO and their staff. In addition, because of the architecture of its MedLink Web application, HCO managers can offer their clients regular and punctual visits from designated caregivers for each of their clients.
The first module allows the management of any symptom detection according to the FOPH criteria, both for the caregiver and the client. This way, both parties are reassured of each other’s condition. The application delivers an authorization to work which is visible directly from the caregiver’s smartphone, who can then show it to his client.
The second module allows to manage the immunization of patients, when the HCO is involved in the vaccination of its clients. At any time, the staff involved can consult the type of vaccine, the number of doses, and all the information necessary for the proper management of the vaccination.
In addition, since the Covid Certificate is also in place throughout Switzerland, both the patient and the caregivers can present it at any time to serenate their relationship.
The fact is that all these modules, associated with a real time management made possible by the architecture of its MedLink Web application, allow to cover all the needs of a HCO to answer the concern of the patients and to ensure their serene care.

The patient knows which caregiver is going to visit him/her and at what time. They know and trust each other; the certificates of capacity to work, mutual state of symptoms, the Covid certificate, the follow-up of vaccines, all elements that allow them to be reassured.
With MedLink, caregiver scheduling takes all this information into account and communication between caregivers and the center occurs in real time, in a completely secure manner. Clinical data remains completely confidential.
Changes in the schedule are immediately known and passed on to the right people, no time is wasted, and in the event of a problem, the patient can be immediately notified, which also tends to reassure him.
HCO uses proven tools that comply with the FOPH standards, which reassures both clients and caregivers.
The client’s psychological state is also documented, which allows for special attention to be given if the client is very anxious and avoids loss of contact and lack of care.
The Covid-19 pandemic induces several complications, and the objective of MLS is to manage them as serenely as possible, thanks to the rapid availability of adapted modules and an architecture that allows work in real time.
You want to know how MLS can help you? Do not hesitate to contact us!