The use of heterogeneous solutions to manage and control core areas of the company’s activities creates many problems, especially a lack of global visibility over the company activities and difficulty in communicating between different sectors.
In a healthcare system, the management of patient demand and the planning of services, managed by different systems, leads to delays between adjustments made by field staff (for example, delegating an act to a simpler profession, etc.) and the necessary backoffice ajustments.
The result is delayed planning, since the information is not transmitted in real time and the planner is often behind the reality on the ground. There have even been cases where interventions were made the next day on a case that was closed.
The activities no longer evolve in line with customer demand, which fluctuates very intensely (several hundred changes per day) and the company isn’t able to properly carry out and monitor its activity.

An ERP solution integrates all these core functions into a single system and allows them to communicate with each other.
The company has a centralized system to manage all its information and processes, and the functional areas can base their decisions and actions on the same dataset.
Integrate field relality to backoffice fnctions allows immediate synchronization with related colleagues.
The change in care decisions are also immediately applicable in the field.
The result is improved field performance, better control over the quality of service delivery and substantial savings through real-time support adjustments related to highly fluctuating customer demands.

Implementation of an integrated system, based on a global design that allows real time on all functionalities.
Any change is visible within seconds, allowing a natural and homogeneous management of the different activities.
Any action taken in the system is instantly visible to authorized actors.
The system is based on a Full Web technology, without terminal emulation, without synchronization between the system and the terminals, regardless of the number of branches and their geography