The involvement of clients and their families in the care process is essential for serene and quality care. Their participation allows a better understanding of the treatment and stimulates the motivation of clients to monitor their health.

To often, clients are limited to a passive role in the organization of their care and the development of their treatment. In addition, they generally do not have access to medical information about themselves.
This results in a poor understanding of both their diagnosis and their treatment.
Similarly, family members rarely have the opportunity to be included in the care process. They have little information and few opportunities for exchange with caregivers.
However, the majority of relatives would like to be more closely involved, with the aim of providing maximum support to the patient.
Clients who have a poor understanding of their health status and management are unlikely to take care of themselves and be fully engaged in treatment.
Conversely, many studies show that having sufficient information increases patient adherence to treatment and willingness to monitor their health.
A modern health platform must allow the client and his relatives to access information that concerns them and encourage their participation in the organization of their care.
This access must be simple and not disrupt the management process.

MedLink considère les clients et leurs proches comme des acteurs essentiels du réseau de santé des clients. A ce titre, nous favorisons leur participation dans le processus de soins et avons mis au point des outils à leur disposition.
HCOs can provide clients with the ability to access the MLS platform through a secure text message process.
Each client can then access the information in their file, in particular their nursing diagnoses, the contacts of their medical network (HCO staff, doctor, insurance, etc.), their prescriptions and their invoice receipts.
The client has a personal diary in which he can make notes that will be visible only to him. The platform also allows him to communicate with the HCO staff.
Le client peut visualiser les horaires de ses prochaines visites sur la plateforme et – s’il le souhaite – être informé de l’arrivée des soignants par sms.
Les proches peuvent également disposer d’un accès au dossier du client, limité aux informations que le client souhaite partager. Ainsi, il est par exemple possible d’accéder aux contacts du réseau du client ainsi qu’à ses prescriptions.
Les proches peuvent également échanger avec les collaborateurs de l’HCO si nécessaire, par exemple pour demander des précisions relatives aux factures.

MedLink’s medical platform allows caregivers, clients and their families to access relevant medical information. It also facilitates exchanges between these different actors.
The client, directly involved in his or her care, has a better understanding of his or her clinical condition and is able to monitor his or her health status more closely. The client’s relatives, whose understanding of the situation is strengthened, can support the patient more effectively.
Both the client and his or her family are grateful for the opportunity to participate in the care. They access the platform easily and use the tools at their disposal. They are informed of the objectives and progress of the treatment and gain peace of mind.
The care is collective. The client feels surrounded by informed family members and caregivers who value their participation in the organization of the care process.
A privileged relationship is established between the client, his or her loved ones, the caregivers and the HCO, thanks to open and transparent communication. A calm dialogue is established between the different actors and the planned treatments can be followed efficiently.
The HCO demonstrates a modern, progressive approach that appeals to both clients and health care professionals.
For more information on the participation of clients and their families, please contact us.